WindowsのBSOD(Blue Screen Of Death)の画面に出くわすと似たような画面が「全画面」で表示されるがこれはブラウザー内で表示させるだけのもの。電話番号なども書かれているが、決して電話しないように。
エラーの内容 This is a .net frame work file missing due to some harmfull virus. Debug malware error 895-system 32.exe failure. Please contact Microsoft Technicians to rectify the issue. Please do not open internet browser for your security issue to avoid data corruption on your registry of your operation system. Please Contact Microsoft Technicians at TOLLFREE HELPLINE AT: +1-855-637-3156 PLEASE DO NOT SHUT DOWN OR RESTART YOUR COMPUTER DOING THAT MAY LEAD TO DATA LOSS AND FAILURE OF OPERATING SYSTEM, HENCE NON BOOTABLE SITUATION RESULTING COMPLETE DATA LOSS. CONTACT MICROSOFT TECHNICIANS TO RESOLVE THE ISSUE ON TOLL FREE : +1-855-637-3156 Please do not open internet browser for your security issue to avoid data corruption on your registery of your operation system. Please Contact Microsoft Technicians at TOLLFREE HELPLINE AT : +1-855-637-3156